Friday, 6 February 2015

Living with Acne

I have acne. Im a 20 year old female, and i have had acne for 7 years. Your self esteem suffers when you have acne. Its not the hardest thing in life to go through, but it is one of those things that slowly chip away at your self confidence. Every day you look in the mirror and your reminded of your blotchy complexion. Every time you turn on your tv, you see models and actors with flawless skin. And every where you look and anyone you ask will give you one answer if you bring up acne. The solution is Proactive or any of those other face cleansers.
But why? yes i have acne, but why do i have to spend money and time on something as superficial as my skin? Yes clear skin is usually a sign of health, so doesn't that mean it is something internally wrong that is causing my acne? Probably. I eat 80% healthy (i am primarily a vegan), however, i suffered from binge eating last year, and now i just overeat on chocolate and cookies. Never to the point where it is a full binge, but just to the point where everyday i have to have my fix of junk food or else i feel empty and sad and bored with my life.
So, it probably is my diet that is causing my acne, but regardless, i have to change something internal in order to stop eating the way i do, and that will change my skin. But by buying products that are said will stop breakouts and clear up my acne of superficial reasons is retarded. Im sorry but i am not going to pay money to cover something up externally instead of fixing the problem internally.
There is a reason why i binge eat (which i believe causes my acne). Buying expensive products and washing my face every morning and night is not going to fix the problem. It may make it better, but that is just a superficial coverup.
Im so tired of everyone thinking that if you have acne and you are a girl, then that automatically means that you have to be buying face washes to try and find what works for you and in the mean time, you have to wear makeup to cover it up.
I have had acne for 7 years, and 3 years ago i slowly started wearing it less. I went from wearing it everyday, to wearing it 5 days a week, and then to 4 and then to 2. And now I'm at the point where i only wear it maybe once a month when i go out with my friends or when I'm having a really bad skin day. But last week, i finally threw out all my makeup but 2 items. a BB cream and a powder (just in case if one day i needed it).
But I'm learning that the problem is my self confidence and my inner beauty. not the outer beauty.
I don't want to promote or support our vain society, or support consumerism. I want to support inner beauty and happiness.
The main reason i feel so strongly about this is because people can't change the way they look. They can change their hair or put makeup on or wear more flattering clothes, but they can't fundamentally change how they look. So why the hell are we putting so much emphasis on something we have no control over????? Stop judging people by the way they look and start judging them by the way they carry themselves and their true beauty, the way they treat others. Look and see if they have a beautiful soul not a beautiful face.

<3 simply happy

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