Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Binge Eating

I am home alone today on my day off and am trying to ward off the cravings of a binge. Ive been binging since September 2013 when i changed my diet. I ate the same meals and snacks, but i limited myself from eating junked everyday to only twice a week. It worked, i felt better, and i lost 15 pounds (at the same time i was training for my first full marathon, i previously have done 5 half marathons in the years prior). (i went from 142lbs to 127lbs)
Everything was going great except for the fact that i used those 2 days a week to eat all the chocolate and ice cream and cookies i wanted that i was deprived from during the week. I have always had a sweet tooth so i use to eat this stuff everyday, but only a serving (3 cookies with milk, or a bowl of ice cream after dinner).
But now, i was eating 6 cookies, a bowl of cereal, half a bag of chips, a chocolate bar, a muffin, ect. All in one sitting. I did this continually twice a week from september 2013 till june 2014. Then in June, i stopped running and took a break from eating "healthy". This is where it got way worse, i started binging everyday, and if not a full blown binge, then i would for sure eat junk food.
Then from june 2014 till presently march 2015, i gained 23lbs (127lbs to now 150lbs).
I started running again and training for a half marathon in january, but my diet was still the same (healthy meals but junk food/binging everyday). Then on Feb.27th,2015, i decided to stop binging and get back to where i was before, except without the binging. I don't really care how much i weigh, but i want to feel like i can run without feeling weighed down, my ideal weight for running would probably be 135lbs, because when you are heavier, its harder to run since you run slower. So my ideal weight would be to lose 15 pounds but more importantly, i want to stop binging.
I started tracking my calories since i was curious, and i know i eat a lot (average 3000calories of healthy good food). I am one of those people who believe you can eat a lot/whenever your hungry and won't gain weight if you eat the right kinds of food. I am vegan so i eat mainly, grains (rice, pasta), fruits, sweet potatos, veggies, beans/lentils, and homemade chilli. i ate between 3000 and 3500 calories a day without my binges this past week. My goal is to eat around 2500 calories and no binges. I have been successful for 4 days (since friday, and today is tuesday).
But i am struggling today since i feel like binging. I also felt like binging yesturday but i was able to curve my cravings with an apple, dark chocolate, and pineapple.
I am unfortunately at the point in my life where i can't even have a little of crap/junk food or else i will want to binge. So the cookies, cakes, and milk chocolate in my house was bugging me and making me want to give in.
(also, although i am mainly vegan, i am not 100%, i will eat junk food that has milk ingredients, and baking that has eggs and butter, so i call myself 80% vegan- i usually only eat this stuff when i binge, or else normally i would call myself 90% vegan, with only a few none vegan things)

One reason i tell myself its okay to binge is because I've tried so many times to stop and i know that i always give in sooner or later, so i tell myself, i might as well binge because i will probably give in tomorrow anyways. But this is where i have to change my mindset. Yes I've tried to quit binging before and it hasn't worked yet (for a year and a half) but that doesn't mean i should stop trying. I have to use strategies to help myself not binge today or tomorrow. I am not going to blame it on will power because i realize there are other factors that play a role, and its not 100% my lack of will power. I know that it is not because i am calorie deficient since i eat a lot of good food, but it is my mindset that i am so strict and it is all the temptations in my house. So while i can't change the temptations, i am going to try and be less strict and try each day to eat good, but when i really want something, i will try other things (pineapple, and then gum has been working), but if that doesn't work then i will allow myself a little but of what ever iam craving and then get myself to do something to keep me busy.

I decided to blog right now because i just had lunch and i was almost ready to have a binge, and since i am home all day today, i feel like i will have many more cravings during the day but i want to try hard to not give in, and try all of the strategies to stop myself. at the end of the day, if i really want something, i will have a little and then get out of the house or distract myself from turning it into a binge.

Wish me luck.
Day 5... i believe in myself. If i fail, then i will just pick myself up and try again.

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